Why Choose Speech Pathology?

For my child with reading and spelling difficulties

Noosa District Speech Pathology specialise in assessing and treating children with reading and spelling (literacy) difficulties. Our assessment enables us to pinpoint exactly where your child’s reading and spelling is breaking down. Our therapy is based on evidence-based practices including phonological awareness training, letter-sound knowledge, and the spelling rules of English:

Phonological awareness is a vital part of early reading success – research shows that phonological awareness training improves children’s reading and spelling skills (National Reading Panel 2000). This includes activities such as rhyming, listening for the first, middle and last sounds in words, and ‘sounding out’ words.

Letter-sound knowledge along with phonological awareness skills is a strong predictor of reading success. This is the knowledge that individual letters and combinations of letters from the alphabet make certain sounds.

Spelling rules of English: Although English is a confusing language, 80% of English spelling is regular (i.e. follows a rule system). Teaching the regular and consistent rule patterns provides students with a strong bank of knowledge to attack reading and spelling new words. For example, the letter c normally makes the sound ‘k’ as in cat, but when followed by the letters e,i,y makes the sound ‘s’ as in circle.

For my child who is school aged (or almost!)

Strong communication skills – being able to listen, understand and talk – are vital. Strong communication skills act as a foundation for building social skills, literacy skills and problem solving skills, which promote:

  • Good friendships
  • Strong self esteem
  • Academic achievement
  • The ability to resolve conflicts
  • School attachment
  • Promotion of mental health

Phone: (07) 5455 3112  Email: info@noosaspeech.com.au